
Ju Jutsu – Hand-to Hand combat

Soke Jankowiak - Ju Jutsu Bujutsukai Ju Jutsu – Hand-to Hand combat:
  Which consist of: ukemi- waza, atemi- waza, ashi- waza, nage- waza,  kansetsu- waza, shime- waza, taihi- waza, muto- dori.
  Bu Jutsu Kai Takeuchi Ryu is the place, where training is hard, where puts great emphasis on cultivating the tradition and culture of weapons of feudal Japan. The overriding aim of the classes in school is science of real and effective ways of fighting and self-defense based on proven techniques of Ju Jutsu. Bu Jutsu Kai Takeuchi Ryu can be described as Bugei (cultivating martial arts of ancient Japan). Beginner students train mainly self-defense, in order to most effectively prepare for an effective fight and resist the direct threats.
  In the days of the Samurai the basic martial art was Ju- Jitsu often called Kumiuchi, Yawara. In the days of Samurai Ju- Jutsu was often practiced as a basic form of each workout. Ju- Jutsu as a broadly understood martial art is the foundation of a training of all Samurai. It should be emphasize that the student Ju- Jutsu being not armed with is able to repel any attack. During the training student learns techniques of counter-attack as well as techniques of overpower. As Soke Toshimichi Takeuchi said, each warrior was and is valued for his ability to fight without weapon. His value increases if he was able to disarm another warrior in fight. Warrior was held in high regard if in battle he was able to defend themselves after losing their own weapon. Master Takeuchi pointed out that value warrior who, after fall on the ground in full weaponry (yori) was able to get up to standing (tachi) and still continue a fight. As Master Soke Takeuchi Toshimichi said systematic training was the foundation of training a fighter, giving him the knowledge and ability to resolve any problems in every situation in life.
  Ju- Jutsu covers the whole range of techniques enable to effective overpower an enemy. Bu Jutsu Kai Takeuchi Ryu is a school where honest practice and not declarations lead to better health, improve concentration and gain firmness. Through systematic training and discipline we can gain understanding, we have the opportunity to achieve self-confidence. Ongoing activities and exercises are held in a real way but also safe for the course participants.     
  The main aim of training Ju-Jutsu is to equip beginner in the knowledge (theory), the development of the psyche (philosophy), physical fitness and technical (technique). It causes in teaching and perpetuating habits of movement, the development of the sphere of intellectual and efficiency which in turn leads to achieve effectiveness in real fight. Practicing Ju- Jutsu by children, adolescents and adults is a means to achieve the harmonious development of motor, mental and physical of people who exercise. Systematic training supports health and shapes such personality traits as perseverance, accuracy, diligence, punctuality, discipline, control over emotions. Regularity in training prepares those who exercise to behave in emergency situations, shapes habits of movement which are useful in close fight with the enemy. Aa a result knowledge of Ju-Jutsu give a sense of security.
  Huge attention Bu Jutsu Kai Takeuchi Ryu focus on education. Students at taking exam on high degree of the Ju- Jutsu are evaluated in terms of the chosen knowledge, skills and personality of the person who exercise.
                                                                             Author: Christopher Jankowiak